Our Mission

“It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside,
it’s WHOOOOOO you
are on the inside that
matters most!”
The Doctor Owlkin book series wants to encourage acceptance of differences or additional needs. Even though others may be “different,” we find that inside everybody just wants to be loved, encouraged, accepted, appreciated, and included!
As Doctor Owlkin always reminds the team, “It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it’s WHOOOOOO you are on the inside that matters most!”
Doctor Owlkin, the members of The H.O.M.E. Team, and the animal characters in the books become the heroes who find a way to make their differences or additional needs an attribute or advantage. The H.O.M.E. Team is led by wise old Doctor Owlkin and loving Nurse Sharky, who bring together their helpers. The first four books in the series tell the amazing stories of each of the helpers. The H.O.M.E. Team includes Trouble, a Bloodhound who was born with extraordinarily long and useful ears; King Tux, a tiny cat who has a BIG personality and smarts; Pirate, a lop-eared rabbit with only one eye who sees the world in a unique way; and Goldie, a Golden Retriever who was born with 3 ½ legs but doesn’t let that stop her from being a hero. Each of these characters has adapted and developed special skills – their “superpowers” – that allow them to encourange acceptance of differences or additional needs.
In subsequent books, The H.O.M.E. Team goes out into the community to help other animals. Each book addresses a new “difference” to teach children why that character is special, and that we are all “different and unique” in some way.